上豐蛋品有限公司上豐成立於民國82年,創業至今,銷貨通路已遍及南臺灣。 我們專攻於蛋品類加工,像是液體蛋(蛋白液、蛋黃液或是全蛋液)、鹹蛋仁、皮蛋、滷蛋與白煮蛋等。 你所看到的這些產品,目前已供應於各大知名烘培工廠、中央廚房與飯店等,進而烘培出美味的麵包、精緻的蛋糕、嚴選的月餅、喜餅與餐點。 用心的經營,換取您的滿意! 上豐蛋品有限公司 我們始終堅持,最好的! Shange Feng is dedicated to creating high quality egg products. We provide egg white, yolk and mixture of both to customers. Furthermore, we offer eggs, salted duck eggs and century eggs to consumers. Our goal is to consistently make high quality products for your satisfaction.安林三街53號上豐蛋品有限公司

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